This dynamic plant shifts its coloration through the seasons as it reacts to varying light levels and daylength. The large blossoms open lemon yellow and transition to a vibrant pink, with both colors continuously present at once on the plant. Its fully mounded habit results in fabulous containers, but this colorful calibrachoa is also easy to mix with other annuals in container recipes. Like all Superbells, it blooms continuously all season without deadheading.
Silverstone Gardens
Superbells® Prism™ Pink Lemonade
Calibrachoa do not like to have constantly damp soil. They will do well in the ground only with good drainage. For most gardeners containers are the best use for Calibrachoa.
When planting Calibrachoa I often give the plants a slight trim, using a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears. While not a necessary step, it will increase branching and may help your plants look even fuller.
Calibrachoa are usually easiest to grow in containers. If the roots are kept too wet it can lead to root rot diseases. In containers, allow the top of the soil to dry before watering again. If your plant is wilting even though the soil is still damp you likely have a root rot problem.
Calibrachoa can be fantastic in-ground plants, but only if they are planted in well- drained soil. Raised beds would be a good choice for planting Calibrachoa in the landscape. In the ground they shouldn't need much additional water unless conditions are very dry. Proper watering is key to growing good Calibrachoa.
Photo courtesy of Proven Winners or